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Pregled Foruma » BALKAN.DJ - Muzika » Demo Radovi » Piano In The Club Production DEMO

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DJ Maestro ist offline DJ Maestro  
Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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864 Upisi - BDJ Legenda
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DJ Maestro`s alternatives Ego
Nesto nowo, owo ce biti feat, tako da sto se tice melodije ja sam gotowglücklich mozda zwuci malo prazno zato sto sam beat sklopio samo da imam neku osnowu, a kolega ce to da dowrsi kako trebazwinkern

Ulogujte se da bi ste vidjeli ovaj Link...

da cujem walja li to cemu?

Upis 18.08.2010 - 12:41
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Bane DeeJay ist offline Bane DeeJay  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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3822 Upisi - BDJ Sekretar Chefa
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Sve valja, fin je piano, fino odsviranoglücklich. Kao što si rekao, treba samo jedan dobar beat, i bit će onda to to! glücklich zwinkern
Upis 18.08.2010 - 12:44
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Gast DJ_Miletic  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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sve je recenogrosses Lachen svida mi se pravo ideja je supergrosses Lachen
Upis 18.08.2010 - 13:00
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Gast DJ Censio  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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Lepo Lepo
Upis 18.08.2010 - 13:06
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Gast djing  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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piano................OKverwirrtk1: Deejay Deejay Mix Mix Zunge Zunge Muzika Dere Muzika Dere zivio zivio zivio zivio zivio
Upis 18.08.2010 - 13:26
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Bane DeeJay ist offline Bane DeeJay  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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3822 Upisi - BDJ Sekretar Chefa
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Bane DeeJay`s alternatives Ego
djing, molim te ubuduće bez ovakvih nabacanih smajlova zwinkern
Upis 18.08.2010 - 13:29
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DJ Maestro ist offline DJ Maestro  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
VIP Clan
864 Upisi - BDJ Legenda
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DJ Maestro`s alternatives Ego
Kolega je odustao od feat-a, ja sam ewo nastawio, pa recite dal da zawrsim il nije to to?

Ulogujte se da bi ste vidjeli ovaj Link...
Upis 19.08.2010 - 15:28
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Gast DJ KiX  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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ma samo ga tako zavrsi, malo manje stvari bacaj na melodiju, piano nikad nije prazanzwinkern nek bude u nekom laganini stiluzwinkern
Upis 19.08.2010 - 15:32
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Dj Buuc ist offline Dj Buuc  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
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631 Upisi - BDJ Profesor
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E ovak Maestro,ako moze da mi posaljes projekt toga,da i ja nesto probam slozit na to..malo neki drugacijo stil od ovog sto si ti radio pa da vidimo kako ce ispas! Eto ako nije problem,jako mi se svida taj piano i odmah su mi dosle neke ideje! eto ako nije problem...ako hoces posalji na PP ili me dodaj na msn buc22_dm@live.com
Upis 19.08.2010 - 15:42
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DJ Maestro ist offline DJ Maestro  
Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
VIP Clan
864 Upisi - BDJ Legenda
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DJ Maestro`s alternatives Ego
poslat cu ti, nije problem....
Upis 19.08.2010 - 15:48
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Dj LeSin ist offline Dj LeSin  
RE: Re: Piano In The Club Production DEMO
VIP Clan
1305 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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Dj LeSin`s alternatives Ego
Original napisan od Bane_Cepin

Sve valja, fin je piano, fino odsviranoglücklich. Kao što si rekao, treba samo jedan dobar beat, i bit će onda to to! glücklich zwinkern

Upis 19.08.2010 - 16:12
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