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Pregled Foruma » BALKAN.DJ - Forum » Help & Feedback » .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.

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Denny Ray ist offline Denny Ray  
.:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2607 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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This is easily the largest FL Tutorial Video Set for beginners online! Fruity Loops Made Easy just doesnt cover the how tos but I give you all the secrets, every tip, and all the techniques I use to produce my music for a fraction of the price youd pay for a fruityloops reference manual.

10 Must See Video Tutorials
Special Update: Now In New "Home Theater Wide Screen" So You Can See EVERYTHING!

You Get:

* *Video 1. System Settings
* *Video 2. Using The Step Sequencer
* *Video 3. The Piano Roll Environment
* *Video 4. Using the Speech Synthesizer
* *Video 5. Using .Wav Files
* *Video 6. Song Mode Environment
* *Video 7. Using the Mixer
* *Video 8. Saving & Exporting Files
* *Video 9. Extra Tips & Techniques
* *Video 10. Free Bonuses
You'll be able to follow me "Step by Step" as we build our knowledge and hands on experience together through each video. Each video is perfectly organized and structured for the FL Studio newbie in mind. I promise not to teach you how to divide until you can add and subtract like a pro.....Sound easy enough?

Not only is Fruity Loops Made Easy in an incredibly easy to follow video based format, but we've recently re-recorded ALL videos into a new "wide-screen format" so that you can see the entire screen, which helps you learn easier and faster!

Trust me, it isn't hard to create original, professional music with FL Studio. Not when you have "Fruity Loops Made Easy". You and I will even compose a complete song in FL Studio in just minutes. I'll even give you the raw sample files so that you can tweak the song and turn it into your own instrumental to sell for profit, use for yourself, or to just brag to your buddies about how you used FL Studio to compose it! You just follow the steps I've laid out for you.

Creating Your Own Professional Sounding Music in Less Than 1 Hour With FL Studio Has Never Been More Easier Thanks To "Fruity Loops Made Easy". Because In Less Than 1 Hour, You Will Be Able To:

* Ensure Your System Settings Are In Order
* Easily Create Drum Tracks In Step Sequencer
* Use The Arpeggiator
* Best Techniques to use .Wav Files
* Record Audio Directly Inot FL Studio
* Effortlessly Manipulate Midi Data In Real Time
* Use The Speech Synthesizer Effectively
* Layer Tracks & Create Your Own Unique Sounds
* Quickly Add an Acapella Over Your Composition
* Use .Wav Files To Create A Song Quickly
* How To Auto-Sync Encrypted .Wav Files
* Use .Wav Files To Reduce Your CPU Load
* Create an Intro, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, & Outro
* Create A Sample Construction Kit of Your Song
* Add Effects to Instrument Tracks & Master Track
* Professionaly Mixdown Your Final Composition
* Use Industry Tips, Tricks, & Techniques to Become a Real Producer with your very own trademark!

link na pp grosses Lachen

Upis 02.02.2011 - 18:25
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Amce ist offline Amce  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
1370 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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salji :P cvrk :P
Upis 02.02.2011 - 18:32
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DJmaRio ist offline DJmaRio  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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1504 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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ajd sutni da vidim sta ima grosses Lachen
Upis 02.02.2011 - 18:38
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Expresso ist offline Expresso  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2941 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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ajd posalji i meni.,bas da vidim cega tu ima
Upis 02.02.2011 - 18:41
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Denny Ray ist offline Denny Ray  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2607 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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Denny Ray`s alternatives Ego
poslao grosses Lachen
Upis 02.02.2011 - 18:53
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king17 ist offline king17  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
331 Upisi - BDJ Freak
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moze meni? grosses Lachen
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:07
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Dj Bass Van Date ist offline Dj Bass Van Date  
RE: Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
607 Upisi - BDJ Profesor
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Original napisan od DJmaRio

ajd sutni da vidim sta ima grosses Lachen

Hvala unapred... grosses Lachen
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:09
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RE: Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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Original napisan od DJmaRio

ajd sutni da vidim sta ima grosses Lachen

sutaj xD lachend
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:13
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UltraSonic ist offline UltraSonic  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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1259 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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moze i menigrosses Lachen
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:18
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DJ Ecstasy ist offline DJ Ecstasy  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
137 Upisi - Aktivan Clan
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moze i menizwinkern
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:20
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Denny Ray ist offline Denny Ray  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2607 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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Denny Ray`s alternatives Ego
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:21
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Marcus M ist offline Marcus M  
RE: Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2303 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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Original napisan od DJ Ecstasy

moze i menizwinkern

Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:51
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Denny Ray ist offline Denny Ray  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2607 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
Opomena u Forumu: 0
Denny Ray`s alternatives Ego
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:53
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DJ P-SoniC ist offline DJ P-SoniC  
Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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3282 Upisi - BDJ Sekretar Chefa
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salji i meni ak mozegrosses Lachen
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:57
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Denny Ray ist offline Denny Ray  
RE: Re: .:Fruity Loops Made Easy Video tutorials:.
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2607 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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Denny Ray`s alternatives Ego
Original napisan od DJ P-SoniC

salji i meni ak mozegrosses Lachen

moze moze lachend
Upis 02.02.2011 - 19:59
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