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Pregled Foruma » BALKAN.DJ - Muzika » Nasi Remixi/Mixevi » Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs

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dj polle ist offline dj polle  
Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
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1447 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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dj polle`s alternatives Ego
evo i moj remix za bbs,radio sam nesot za cluba da se moze pustiti...evo poslusajte,dajte komentar itd..



dl link Ulogujte se da bi ste vidjeli ovaj Link...
Upis 21.12.2011 - 11:52
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Denny Ray ist offline Denny Ray  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
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2607 Upisi - BDJ Kralj
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nije lose kolegaglücklich drugi put vise srecezwinkern
Upis 21.12.2011 - 11:54
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Master Degrees ist offline Master Degrees  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
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1661 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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Master Degrees`s alternatives Ego
Remix je super...Iako nije prosao na CD,u clubovima ce prolaziti 100%...Sve pohvale na trudu,jer si radio bez midija,i melodiju,bass i sve ostalo sam odsvirao...Vokal je solidan posto je izvlacit od originalaglücklich Ovo je zasluzilo DL Zonuglücklich
Upis 21.12.2011 - 12:05
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dj polle ist offline dj polle  
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1447 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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dj polle`s alternatives Ego
thx...ima li jos tko da koma????
Upis 21.12.2011 - 13:05
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DJ NeLLy ist offline DJ NeLLy  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
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1671 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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DJ NeLLy`s alternatives Ego
fino druze.ice live sigurno.poz
Upis 21.12.2011 - 13:11
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Chris Le Blanc ist offline Chris Le Blanc  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
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1489 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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Chris Le Blanc`s alternatives Ego
dobar remix kolega .. ide live kod mene zwinkern
Upis 21.12.2011 - 13:12
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Vidovic ist offline Vidovic  
RE: Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
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1463 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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Original napisan od Mr.Carlloss_DJ

Remix je super...Iako nije prosao na CD,u clubovima ce prolaziti 100%...Sve pohvale na trudu,jer si radio bez midija,i melodiju,bass i sve ostalo sam odsvirao...Vokal je solidan posto je izvlacit od originalaglücklich Ovo je zasluzilo DL Zonuglücklich

potpis, sve super samo vocal malo jebe al jbg sta je tu je, sve u svemu super radzwinkern lachend
Upis 21.12.2011 - 13:13
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dj polle ist offline dj polle  
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1447 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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dj polle`s alternatives Ego
hvala momci,drago mi je da ce vam koristit....imal jos ko ??
Upis 21.12.2011 - 14:12
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..DJ Tonny.. ist offline ..DJ Tonny..  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
750 Upisi - BDJ Legenda
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..DJ Tonny..`s alternatives Ego
svaka cast
Upis 22.12.2011 - 15:09
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dj polle ist offline dj polle  
VIP Clan
1447 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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dj polle`s alternatives Ego
thx tonnyzwinkern
Upis 22.12.2011 - 15:35
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DJ Furiouz ist offline DJ Furiouz  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
VIP Clan
1641 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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DJ Furiouz`s alternatives Ego
obzirom da pesmu ne volim, ovo je jako lepo leglo
taj club stil fino pase
svidja mi se
lepo zamisljeno i uradjeno, obzirom na limitiranost vokala
samo napred
7.5./10 zwinkern
Upis 22.12.2011 - 17:14
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DJ Nenno ist offline DJ Nenno  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
1023 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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DJ Nenno`s alternatives Ego
Odlican remix.... zwinkern
Ide live kod Kristijana.... grosses Lachen grosses Lachen
Upis 22.12.2011 - 17:32
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dj polle ist offline dj polle  
VIP Clan
1447 Upisi - BDJ VIP
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dj polle`s alternatives Ego
thx momcizwinkern
Upis 22.12.2011 - 19:18
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M User ist offline M User  
Re: Ceca - Lepi grome (DJ Polle Club Remix) za bbs
1849 Upisi - BDJ VIP
Opomena u Forumu: 1
Intro nije loš!
Ovaj clap mi se ne sviđa,kick je dobar!
Vocal nije loš,samo malo se čuju zvukovi od orginala,ali to ne kvari rad ajde!
Bass je odličan!
Sviđa mi se boja melodije!
Lijep club rad,samo naprijed!

Upis 23.12.2011 - 23:13
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Ivan Batt ist offline Ivan Batt  
580 Upisi - BDJ Profesor
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Svaka cast na remixuglücklich)
Upis 24.12.2011 - 00:04
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